Transport safety

Advanced vision systems to enhance safety

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Specific transport features

Vision systems for the transport sector, which includes automobiles, trains, ships and aircraft, are essential for safety, navigation and efficient traffic management. Here are the main features of these systems in different transport contexts:

  1. Driving assistance: In motor vehicles, vision systems are used for functions such as parking assistance, pedestrian detection, blind spot monitoring and lane departure warning. These systems contribute to safety by providing real-time alerts and aiding decision-making.
  2. Autonomous systems: Autonomous vehicles use advanced vision systems to interpret their environment. These systems often combine several types of camera, including thermal and infrared, to detect and navigate around obstacles, identify road signs, and follow road markings.
  3. Traffic monitoring: in urban and intercity transport, vision systems are used to monitor traffic, analyze vehicle flows, and manage dynamic signalling systems. They help reduce traffic jams and increase traffic efficiency.
  4. Rail safety: For trains, vision systems are used to monitor rails, detect obstacles on the track, and control level crossings. They are essential for accident prevention and predictive maintenance of railway infrastructures.
  5. Maritime navigation: In navigation, vision systems help detect other vessels, navigate in conditions of reduced visibility, and inspect the ship’s hull and equipment. They play a key role in maritime safety and operational efficiency.
  6. Inspection and maintenance: Vision systems are also used to inspect and maintain vehicles and transport infrastructures. In aviation, for example, they can detect cracks or defects in aircraft bodies.
  7. Robustness and reliability: These systems need to be extremely reliable and capable of operating under a variety of environmental conditions, including extreme temperatures, adverse weather conditions, and high levels of vibration.
  8. Integration with other technologies: Vision systems in the transportation sector are often integrated with other technologies, such as radar, lidar and GPS sensors, to provide a comprehensive and detailed understanding of the environment.

In summary, vision systems in the transportation sector are essential for increasing safety, optimizing traffic flow, and supporting vehicle automation and autonomy. They are designed to be resilient, accurate, and integrated with other technologies to meet the diverse and complex needs of the transportation sector.

Nexvision's expertise

  • High-performance embedded vision computer (HPC) integrating a mix of GPU/CPU/NPU/MANY CORE/FPGA/ASIC for steering assistance or situational awareness.
  • Multi-sensor fusion: multispectral imagers, LiDaR, millimetric proximity RaDaR

Customers and completed projects

Several projets for manufacturers.