Platform to Platform Free Space Optical Link

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Free Space communication with an Optical link Platform to Platform/land/sea

Radio communications are highly used on the battlefield to exchange information or data between all kind of platforms (Land, Maritime) autonomous or not.

Today data throughput is limited, communications are often overcrowded and can be easily jammed. P2P-FSO project will offer an innovative solution facing those drawbacks.

For :

  • Platooning
  • Force protection
  • In-theater logistic support
  • C4ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance)



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This project has received funding from the European Defence Fund (EDF)


P2P-FSO project aims at developing a medium to long range gyro stabilized optical communication module fitted on military platforms autonomous or not.

The technology used will allow very high speed, secure and confidential optical communications between two platforms on the battlefield.

The demonstration will concentrate on manned and unmanned Land platforms and Naval platforms.

When considering a system approach with many mobiles platforms on the battlefield P2P-FSO modules will offer very high speed communications means complementary to today RF communications.

Wireless optical communication module for manned or unmanned platforms (land, maritime or UAV) which will result from the development project P2P-FSO is very promising in term of economical aspect within EU and a for export market as well.

This project is going to reinforce cross-border cooperation between Nexvision, ASE Optics, Hellenic-Instruments, Lambda X and Amphinicy Technologies, regarding new optronics development, stabilised platform, future protocol interface device and other sensors.


  • Medium to long range line of sight link: typically, 3km (from 10m up to 25km)
  • High speed communication (from 500 Mbit/s symmetric throughput up to 2Gbit/s) which is 10-fold communication speed compare to radio link
  • High power short wave infrared laser (SWIR)
  • NATO standard Protocol interface to ease and cyber-secure data transfer with future military unmanned vehicles for some key applications related to the On-Board computer Unit (OBU), like:
    location, dynamic vehicle parameters, status of some onboard equipment, 360°surround vision, critical control-command
  • Compensation of 3D relative movements between platforms
  • Automatic counterpart discovery by scanning and tracking
  • Through-fog and haze communication
  • Range finder option
  • Backup RF communication system in case of out of order of optical communication system
  • Huge data computing power
  • Low SWaP (low size 300mm diameter, low weight 7kg head and power consumption <80W)
  • Maintenance free

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