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A necessary move towards autonomy

Whatever the sector (transport, defense, aeronautics, space, agriculture…), the need for autonomous or semi-autonomous robotization is evolving in parallel with the evolution of technology.

Whether in terms of sensors or computing capacities such as GPUs or FPGAs, uses are exploding.

The aim is either to augment human capabilities, or to dispense with them altogether.


In the field of transport, autonomous vehicles have the potential to radically transform the way we travel, improving the safety, efficiency and accessibility of transport while offering significant economic and environmental benefits.

The creation of autonomous vehicles meets a number of needs and objectives: economic, social, environmental and technological. Here are some of the main reasons why the development of autonomous vehicles is considered important:
  1. Road safety :
    • Reducing road accidents: Human error is responsible for the majority of road accidents. Autonomous vehicles can potentially reduce these accidents by eliminating errors caused by distraction, fatigue or alcohol.
  2. Traffic efficiency and fluidity:
    • Better traffic management: autonomous vehicles can communicate with each other and with road infrastructure to optimise traffic flows, reduce congestion and improve travel efficiency.
  3. Accessibility:
    • Mobility for all: Autonomous vehicles can offer transport solutions to people who are unable to drive, such as the elderly, disabled or those without a driving licence.
  4. Cost reduction :
    • Long-term savings: Although autonomous technologies are expensive to develop and implement, autonomous vehicles could reduce the costs associated with accidents, fuel consumption and vehicle wear and tear thanks to more optimised driving.
  5. Environment :
    • Reducing emissions: Autonomous vehicles can be programmed to adopt eco-friendly driving behaviours, reducing fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
  6. Comfort and productivity :
    • Time saving: Passengers in autonomous vehicles can use their journey time for work, entertainment or rest instead of concentrating on driving.
  7. Technological innovation :
    • Technological advances: The development of autonomous vehicles stimulates research and innovation in various technological fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics, sensors and communications.
  8. Shared economies and new businesses :
    • Car Sharing: Autonomous vehicles can facilitate car sharing and car pooling services, reducing the number of vehicles needed and transport costs for individuals.


In space, autonomous systems are crucial to overcoming the unique challenges of space exploration and operations, enabling safer, more efficient and sustainable missions in remote and hostile environments.

Autonomous systems in the space domain are being developed to meet various challenges and requirements specific to space exploration and the exploitation of space resources. Here are some of the main reasons why autonomous systems are essential in the space domain:

  1. Distance and Communication Time :
    • Probes and rovers sent into space, such as to Mars or other planets, are at distances where communication with Earth takes time (for example, a signal takes around 13 minutes to travel between Mars and Earth). Autonomous systems allow these vehicles to make decisions in real time without waiting for instructions from Earth.
  2. Survival in Hostile Environments :
    • Space is an extremely hostile environment with conditions that can change rapidly. Autonomous systems can react immediately to dangerous conditions, increasing the chances of survival and mission success.
  3. Resource efficiency and optimisation :
    • Space missions have limited resources (energy, fuel, etc.). Autonomous systems can optimise the use of these resources, for example by adjusting rover paths to save energy or managing on-board systems to maximise efficiency.
  4. Exploration and Data Collection :
    • Autonomous robots can explore areas that are dangerous or inaccessible to humans, collect scientific samples and data, and conduct experiments independently, increasing the quantity and quality of data collected.
  5. Cost reduction :
    • Autonomous systems can reduce the costs of space missions by minimising the need for human intervention and increasing mission autonomy, enabling more tasks to be carried out with fewer human resources.
  6. Redundancy and resilience :
    • Autonomous systems add a layer of redundancy and resilience to space missions. If certain systems fail, autonomous systems can make decisions to continue the mission or carry out temporary repairs.
  7. Long Duration Missions :
    • Space missions to distant destinations, such as asteroids or the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, can last several years or decades. Autonomous systems enable these missions to continue to operate and adapt to changing conditions over long periods.
  8. Colonisation and resource exploitation :
    • In a future where humanity considers colonising other planets or exploiting space resources (such as minerals from asteroids), autonomous systems would be essential for construction, maintenance and extraction tasks in extraterrestrial environments.

Defense & Security

In the defence sector, autonomous systems offer significant advantages in terms of safety, efficiency, precision and flexibility. They reduce the risks to soldiers, improve operational capabilities and maintain technological superiority over potential adversaries.
We are also deploying systems that enhance human capabilities (night vision, etc.).

Autonomous systems in defence offer many advantages and meet a variety of strategic, tactical and logistical challenges. Here are some of the main reasons why autonomous systems are increasingly being integrated into defence operations:
  1. Reduced Risk to Soldiers :
    • Autonomous systems can be deployed in hazardous environments, reducing soldiers’ exposure to risk. For example, drones can carry out reconnaissance missions or defuse bombs without endangering human lives.
  2. Efficiency and speed of response :
    • Autonomous systems can react faster than humans in combat situations, making real-time decisions based on advanced algorithms. This speed of reaction can be crucial to the effectiveness of military operations.
  3. 24/7 operations :
    • Autonomous systems can operate continuously, without breaks, enabling day and night operations. This increases operational capacity and persistent surveillance of areas of interest.
  4. Precision and Collateral Damage Reduction :
    • Autonomous systems can carry out strikes or missions with great precision, reducing the risk of collateral damage and civilian casualties. Drones, for example, can target specific enemies with great precision.
  5. Surveillance and Reconnaissance :
    • Drones and other autonomous systems can carry out surveillance and reconnaissance missions over vast areas, gathering vital information without being detected. They can provide real-time intelligence for military operations.
  6. Logistics and Support :
    • Autonomous vehicles can transport supplies, equipment and ammunition to conflict zones, improving logistical efficiency and the security of supply lines.
  7. Electronic Warfare and Cybersecurity :
    • Autonomous systems can be used to conduct electronic warfare and cybersecurity operations, autonomously detecting and neutralising digital threats.
  8. Flexibility and Adaptability :
    • Autonomous systems can be programmed to carry out a variety of missions, from reconnaissance to attack to logistical support. Their flexibility makes them invaluable in complex and changing combat situations.
  9. Cost-effectiveness :
    • In the long term, autonomous systems can reduce operational costs by reducing the need for a continuous human presence and minimising material and human losses.
  10. Strategic advantages :
    • Countries that integrate autonomous systems into their armed forces can gain a significant strategic advantage, improving their ability to project military power and deter adversaries.
  11. Interoperability and Coordination :
    • Autonomous systems can work in coordination with human forces and other autonomous systems, improving the synchronisation and effectiveness of complex military operations.


In agriculture, autonomous systems offer significant advantages in terms of efficiency, precision, sustainability and safety. They make it possible to meet current and future challenges in the agricultural sector, while contributing to more sustainable and profitable food production.

Autonomous systems in agriculture offer many advantages and respond to various challenges encountered in this field. Here are some of the main reasons why autonomous systems are increasingly being integrated into agriculture:
  1. Efficiency and Productivity :
    • Autonomous systems, such as automated tractors and combines, can operate more efficiently than humans, increasing farm productivity. They can work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without fatigue, maximising farm yields.
  2. Precision and input reduction :
    • Autonomous technologies, such as precision crop management systems, enable targeted application of fertilisers, pesticides and water. This reduces costs and minimises environmental impact by using only the quantities needed.
  3. Crop and soil management :
    • Autonomous sensors and drones can monitor crops and soil in real time, providing accurate data on plant health, soil moisture, nutrient levels and more. This information enables farmers to make informed decisions to improve crop and soil management.
  4. Reducing labour and costs :
    • In many regions, farm labour is expensive or in short supply. Autonomous systems can compensate for this shortage by automating repetitive, labour-intensive tasks, thereby reducing labour costs.
  5. Responding to climate challenges :
    • Autonomous systems can respond quickly to changing weather conditions, such as adjusting irrigation based on weather forecasts or protecting crops from bad weather. This makes it possible to better manage the risks associated with climatic variations.
  6. Sustainability and the environment :
    • By optimising the use of resources and reducing chemical inputs, autonomous systems contribute to more sustainable agriculture. They help preserve natural resources and reduce the ecological footprint of agriculture.
  7. Improved product quality :
    • The precision of autonomous systems means that produce can be harvested at the right time and more evenly, improving the quality of agricultural produce.
  8. Safety and working conditions :
    • Autonomous systems can take on dangerous or difficult tasks, improving farmers’ safety and working conditions. This reduces the risk of accidents and occupational illness.
  9. Innovation and Competitiveness :
    • Adopting autonomous technologies can give farms a competitive edge by modernising their operations and making them more adaptable to market changes.


In aeronautics, autonomous systems bring significant advantages in terms of safety, efficiency, cost and innovation. They help to meet the industry’s current and future challenges, while opening up new possibilities for flight operations and passenger services.

Autonomous systems in aeronautics offer a number of advantages and meet a variety of challenges in terms of safety, efficiency, cost and technological innovation. Here are some of the main reasons why these systems are increasingly being integrated into the aeronautical industry:
  1. Safety :
    • Reducing Human Error: Autonomous systems can reduce human error, which is often the cause of air accidents. Automating critical tasks, such as take-off, landing and flight management, can improve overall safety.
    • Rapid reactions: Autonomous systems can react instantly to emergency situations, such as mechanical failures or dangerous weather conditions, following predefined protocols to ensure the safety of passengers and crew.
  2. Operational efficiency :
    • Trajectory Optimisation: Autonomous systems can optimise flight trajectories to save fuel, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and minimise operational costs.
    • Air Traffic Management : Drones and other autonomous aerial vehicles can be integrated into air traffic management systems to improve fluidity and reduce airspace congestion.
  3. Cost reduction :
    • Reduced Labour: Automation can reduce the need for on-board and ground staff, lowering labour costs.
    • Predictive Maintenance: Autonomous systems can continuously monitor aircraft condition and predict maintenance needs before failures occur, reducing repair costs and downtime.
  4. Technological Innovation :
    • Development of New Capabilities: Autonomous technologies pave the way for new capabilities, such as autonomous air taxis, delivery drones and automated aerial surveillance missions.
    • Research and Exploration: Autonomous aircraft can be used for research and surveillance missions in difficult or inaccessible environments, such as Antarctica or ocean regions.
  5. Flexibility and Adaptability :
    • Multiple Missions: Autonomous systems can be rapidly reprogrammed to perform different missions, from surveillance and reconnaissance to cargo delivery.
    • Operations in Hostile Environments: UAVs and other autonomous systems can operate in environments that are hazardous to humans, such as war zones, natural disaster sites or contaminated areas.
  6. Improving the Passenger Experience :
    • Comfort and Service: Autonomous systems can manage aspects of in-flight service, such as cabin control, to improve passenger comfort.
    • Reduced Delays: Optimising ground and flight operations through automation can reduce delays and improve flight punctuality.
  7. Pilot Support :
    • Decision Support Systems: Autonomous systems can provide real-time information and recommendations to pilots, improving their ability to make informed decisions.
    • Workload Reduction: By automating routine tasks, autonomous systems allow pilots to concentrate on the critical aspects of the flight, reducing fatigue and errors.


In industry, autonomous systems offer considerable advantages in terms of productivity, quality, safety, flexibility and efficiency. They enable companies to remain competitive in an increasingly demanding and constantly changing global environment.

Autonomous systems in industry offer many advantages, meeting a variety of needs in terms of productivity, efficiency, safety, quality and flexibility. Here are the main reasons why autonomous systems are increasingly being integrated into industrial environments:

  1. Increased productivity :
    • Continuous operation: Autonomous systems can operate 24/7 without the need for breaks, increasing overall productivity by enabling continuous operations.
    • Speed and Accuracy: Autonomous robots can perform repetitive tasks at greater speed and with greater accuracy than humans, reducing cycle times and increasing throughput.
  2. Cost reduction :
    • Labour: By automating repetitive, routine tasks, companies can reduce labour costs and reallocate employees to more complex, higher value-added tasks.
    • Preventive maintenance: Autonomous systems equipped with sensors can monitor the condition of machines in real time and anticipate maintenance needs before costly breakdowns occur.
  3. Quality improvement :
    • Accuracy and Consistency: Autonomous systems ensure high accuracy and consistency in manufacturing processes, reducing defects and improving the quality of finished products.
    • Quality Control: Autonomous vision systems and sensors can perform real-time quality control, detecting and correcting anomalies immediately.
  4. Safety :
    • Hazardous Environments: Autonomous systems can be used to perform tasks in environments that are hazardous to humans, such as handling chemicals, operating in extreme temperatures or working at height.
    • Reducing accidents: By automating repetitive and physically demanding tasks, autonomous systems reduce the risk of work-related injuries and accidents.
  5. Flexibility and adaptability :
    • Rapid retooling: Autonomous systems can be quickly reprogrammed to adapt to new tasks or changes in production lines, offering great flexibility in industrial operations.
    • Customisation: Autonomous manufacturing enables customised batches to be produced without the need for major changes to production processes.
  6. Resource Efficiency and Optimisation :
    • Process Optimisation: Autonomous systems can optimise production processes by minimising waste, reducing energy consumption and maximising the use of materials.
    • Stock Management: Autonomous systems can manage stocks more efficiently, reducing storage costs and improving supply chain management.
  7. Technological Innovation :
    • Adoption of New Technologies: The integration of AI, the Internet of Things (IoT) and robotics into autonomous systems boosts innovation and the competitiveness of industrial companies.
    • Development of New Capabilities: Autonomous systems pave the way for new capabilities and applications, such as predictive maintenance, real-time optimisation and agile production.
  8. Environment :
    • Carbon Footprint Reduction: Autonomous systems can optimise the use of energy and materials, helping to reduce the carbon footprint of industrial processes.
    • Waste Management: Autonomous systems can monitor and manage waste more efficiently, reducing environmental impact.

What is an autonomous (or semi-autonomous) system?

Carrying out a mission in a constrained environment

As we saw earlier, depending on the situation and the state of the art of current technology, we are seeking to design semi-autonomous systems (which augment the human being) or autonomous systems (which make it possible to do without the human being altogether).

So what’s the system supposed to do? What is its mission? What are its constraints?

Autonomous systems are distinguished by their ability to perceive, decide, learn and act independently. They combine advanced technologies in perception, artificial intelligence, robotics and communication to offer efficient, safe and adaptable solutions in a variety of fields.

For a system to be autonomous or semi-autonomous, it must be able to carry out a mission in a constrained environment.

The mission may be :

  • move a vehicle (land, sea or air) from point A to point B
  • detect, recognize, identify (DRI) a target and take a decision (alert, neutralize, etc.).

The constraints to be taken into account in system design may be at the level of :

  • the system’s carrier, particularly for embedded systems (land vehicle, human being, flying machine, boat, underwater machine…) and induced constraints ((SWaP: dimensions, weight, consumption), vibration resistance, ergonomics, interfaces…)
  • the environment in which it evolves (land, air, sea, space…) and the conditions induced (temperature, pressure, rain, snow, fog, sandstorm, turbidity, other vehicle traffic…)
  • the sector and protocols used (types of interface, interconnection with other systems, etc.)

From usage to technology

Accepting design complexity with multi-sensor fusion

For an autonomous or semi-autonomous system to carry out a mission, it must be able to “see”, understand the environment and situation in which it is evolving, move, transmit information, make a decision, act…

To see and understand the situation in real time whatever the conditions or situations, it is necessary to use several technologies (camera – radar – lidar) and merge the results with powerful onboard multi architectures processors (CPU/GPU/NPU/FPGA/MANY CORE/VPU/ASIC).

Ones need to master the design of the entire vision system chain (optics, image sensor, lighting, embedded HPC electronics (up to 6000 Tops, 100 Gbits/s), software, algorithms, AI, ergonomy, HMI, communications, …).

This cannot be achieved by combining off-the-shelf modules. To achieve performance, it is necessary to design dedicated, integrated systems (See COTS VS CUSTOM). One size fits all never exist.

And even if it’s technologically complicated, we need to be able to design systems that are easy to use.

It's easy to use but bloody complicated to design.

From technology to market

A paradox : reducing TTM while innovating

Technologies are evolving very rapidly (laser, meta optics, free form optics, processors, image sensor sensitivity, AI models, and, more generally advances in microelectronics (engraving finesse, etc.)…), so we can no longer afford to design products with a 20-year lifespan, because they will be out of date in just a few years.

So, It is necessary to use the latest technologies to avoid becoming obsolete too quickly, while at the same time using technologies that are not yet well mastered takes a great deal of time, effort and investment.

Ones need to challenge himself, move fast, be agile and accept to use the latest technologies coming out of the laboratories. It’s a key success factor.

One stop shop

Select a designer who masters the entire process

To make a good service (super simple to use), you need to master the hardware (not only the software).

That’s what we do at Nexvision.

Our teams design complete vision systems, from hardware to software, including advanced image processing and analysis algorithms.

From the outset, as technology enthusiasts and explorers, we have always sought to master the entire chain of vision systems.
Today, we can be proud of our teams.
We don’t hesitate to use the latest technologies straight out of the laboratory to keep our customers one step ahead.
The world in which we operate is highly competitive and changing extremely fast. It’s vital to be on the lookout for the latest technologies, to grasp them and integrate them into architectures as early as possible. And even if it’s often painful because you have to spend many hours understanding, researching and testing, it’s all about being resilient, pugnacious and persevering.
That’s the key to success.



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